
My name is Cesarah and I am the owner and creator of Cesarah’s Spooky Shop.

I have always loved Halloween and all things SPOOKY!

For some of us, Halloween isn’t just a Holiday that rolls around once a year.

It’s a feeling of nostalgia.

An atmosphere created by pumpkins, cozy sweaters, and campfires…

Hayrides at the county fair sharing caramel popcorn with friends.

The walk back from the haunted house when the air is chilly, and the moon is shining bright through the clouds.

The smell of pumpkin spice in every coffee shop.

Evenings snuggled on the couch with cozy blankets and hot cocoa watching Halloweentown…again😉

These are the feelings that inspired me to start my spooky shop! What better way to recreate the ambience of Spooky Season, than with Halloween themed candles and melts!

Not only did the decision to start my small business bring happiness into my life by allowing me to quit a job that was very toxic to my mental health at the time, but it also allowed me the opportunity to go back to school for business. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can truly express myself with my creations.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along this journey so far!

Stay Spooky,
🖤 𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖍

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